Keto Crackers



Ground Flax Seeds Almond Flour Sesame Seeds Dried Oregano Ground Thyme Salt Egg Nonstick Cooking Spray Coarse Salt Pepper

Whisk together the ground flax seeds, almond flour, sesame seeds, dried oregano, ground thyme, and salt in a mixing bowl.

Add in a beaten egg and, using your hands, knead all of the ingredients together.

Spray two pieces of parchment paper with cooking spray. Lay one piece down, then place the dough in the center. Lay the other piece down on top, so that it touches the dough. Lightly press down on the parchment paper so that it adheres to the dough.

Roll the dough into an even layer. Remove the top piece of parchment paper and then slide a baking sheet beneath the parchment paper with the dough on top.

Gently cut lines through the dough into the size you want your crackers to be. Sprinkle coarse salt and pepper on top of the dough.

Bake the crackers at 325 degrees F until they’re golden brown, then allow them to cool completely before breaking them apart.